
Share your work in any format

Share your work with stakeholders in their preferred format, whether it's direct access, PDFs or Excel exports.

Avoid manually creating reports for every request

Maintaining a presentation template alongside your financial model? Say goodbye to manually updating reports when stakeholders request new information.

How it works

Tailored reports for every stakeholder

Live-updated charts

Visualize your KPIs with charts that update automatically as you continue developing your financial model.

Download as PDF

Generate PDF reports inspired by top companies’ annual report layouts, and make them your own.

Export to Excel

Not all stakeholders are visionaries. Banks, investors, or alike usually just want an Excel export. Delight them.

Allow direct access

Instead of manually sharing reports, give your key stakeholders direct access to your financial model.

Live-updated charts

Leverage live-updated charts to visualize key metrics in your model. Charts can be configured to include different versions of your financial model, allowing you to easily compare plans over time.

Download as PDF

Create management reports that automatically update with your financial model, enabling you to summarize charts, plans, and analyses. You can customize PDF reports to reflect your brand.

Export to Excel

You'll occasionally need to share your financials with banks, investors and board members who prefer spreadsheets. Because Francis works like one, you can easily export your work to Excel.

Allow direct access

Instead of manually sharing reports, invite your team to collaborate directly in Francis as viewers. Users can then analyze and inspect numbers independently without making accidental changes.


Feel free to contact us if you have other questions.

How are PDF reports customized?

First, you decide which charts and sheets to include in the report. Second, the PDF report includes the detail level (which groups are closed, the date range, etc.) you’ve set have at the time of generation. Third, you can customize the style to your brand.

What permissions do Viewers have?

Viewers have full access to all models within the organization. Unlike Admins and Editors, Viewers can only view existing work and cannot make any changes. They can access features like downloading reports and viewing transaction details but are not permitted to alter models in any way.

Who is typically assigned Viewer rights?

Management, board members, and department heads are sometimes assigned viewer rights when they’re allowed to see the entire model. That way, they can stay oriented while you eliminate the risk of unintended changes. Some finance teams prefer to manage the information flow and share reports through PDFs instead.